Friday, August 30, 2024

"Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out"

 Some nights are just magical, when everything we do — even a hundred-year-old song — seems suddenly fresh and new.

Friday, August 23, 2024

"Harvest Moon"

 Having known each other since high school, Randy Hamilton and Danny Cox have a bond and shared musical instincts that bring lots of riches to our room. Whenever Dan and Randy put a song to the table — as they did last week with this simply gorgeous old Neil Young classic — they have usually already worked out the arrangement. It’s ready for the rest of us to just  jump on board and ride!

Friday, August 16, 2024

"Careless Love"

 Whenever we played this song back in the day, Joe Dobbs used to say, “I love those chords you found!” It’s true that the simplified country version that Joe grew up hearing was a little boring, but when The Flood started playing “Careless Love,” we dug around to find what Joe like to call “those Nawlins chords” that were favored by the early jazz bands who also played it.

Friday, August 9, 2024

"My Blue Heaven"

 Randy Hamilton and Charlie Bowen have been doing this old song for a dozen years or more, but “My Blue Heaven” also gets a facelift when new people join the band. Just listen to the 2024 version of the song and to what Danny Cox and Jack Nuckols have brought to this great old jazz standard from the Roarin’ Twenties.


Friday, August 2, 2024

Whinin' Boy

 This century-old tune has New Orleans written all over it. We just love how it always settles into a groove on any sultry summer night. Click the pic to check it out!